West Des Moines gymnast and television celebrity Shawn Johnson remains shaken by the arrest of a deranged fan who came to the set of “Dancing With the Stars” with loaded weapons in an attempt to find the Olympic gold medalist. Details of a restraining order granted today in California outlined the arrest of Robert O’Ryan. Documents allege O’Ryan, 34, jumped a fence Monday in an attempt to locate Johnson. A search of O’Ryan’s car revealed two loaded guns, duct tape, zip ties and the 17-year-old Johnson is “in fear of her life,” according to court records. ohnson’s father, Doug, said his daughter was understandably disturbed by the incident. “Well, yeah,” Doug Johnson told The Des Moines Register. “It would rattle anybody.” Shawn Johnson spoke with WHO (TV-13) late tonight. “We’re doing good. It’s been a little crazy,” said Shawn Johnson, who won Olympic gold in the balance beam at Beijing, China. “I’m so glad my parents are with me.” Ryan was arrested Tuesday by Los Angeles police. Court records indicated both guns in O’Ryan’s car were loaded. Duct tape and love letters also were in the car and Johnson’s mother, Teri, said police told her O’Ryan believed he was meant to have a child with her daughter. Documents also alleged O’Ryan “believes that she speaks to him personally through the television set and through ESP." Doug Johnson said there have been concerns with fans before, “but not to that extent.” He indicated that the family could not comment on the situation, because they’ve been advised it involves an ongoing investigation. He said the family feels more comfortable, though, since the restraining order was granted. “She’s doing fine — and everything seems to be under control right now,” Doug Johnson said. In the brief interview with WHO, Shawn Johnson search for a bit of humor in the fact that she now employs a bodyguard. “I have a new big brother who goes everywhere with me,” Johnson joked. “He weighs about 400 pounds.” According to court documents, O’Ryan was stopped by security at CBS Studios, where “Dancing With the Stars” is produced, after he jumped on a fence. A hearing on whether to grant a lengthy restraining order will be held on April 14. O’Ryan is in jail on $35,000 bail on suspicion of carrying a loaded firearm in public. A report ,made by, security guards at CBS Studios states that O’Ryan was carrying an expired concealed weapons permit.